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Custom Actions

Customize tap, double-tap and hold actions

This 'theme' do offer support for customizing actions. Tap, double-tap and hold on different parts (card, icon and name) of the cards could be changed. To achieve this customization follow the instructions on this page.


To change the normal behaviour of tap_action, double_tap_action and hold_action, edit custom_actions.yaml file located under /config/ui_lovelace_minimalist/custom_actions/.

    ulm_card_tap_action: "toggle"
    ulm_card_hold_action: "popup"
    ulm_card_double_tap_action: "more-info"
    ulm_icon_tap_action: "popup"
    ulm_icon_hold_action: "none"
    ulm_icon_double_tap_action: "none"
    ulm_name_tap_action: "more-info"
    ulm_name_hold_action: "toggle"
    ulm_name_double_tap_action: "popup"

Possible values for each variables are :

Value Description
none No action
toggle Toggle an entity if available (for binary_sensor and sensor entity, none action is used)
more-info Display more-info window
popup Display UI LOVELACE MINIMALIST popup if available and enabled on card (if not more-info action is used)
adaptive Switch UI LOVELACE MINIMALIST popup on adaptive dashboard
if current dashboard is adaptive (if not popup action is used)
navigate Navigate to an other UI LOVELACE MINIMALIST view. Need additional variable (see below)

Haptic feedback

Next to the action also the haptic feedback of the actions can be configured in the custom_actions.yaml file:

For each action a haptic feedback could be configured:

    ulm_card_tap_haptic: "medium"
    ulm_card_hold_haptic: "none"
    ulm_card_double_tap_haptic: "none"
    ulm_icon_tap_haptic: "none"
    ulm_icon_hold_haptic: "none"
    ulm_icon_double_tap_haptic: "none"
    ulm_name_tap_haptic: "medium"
    ulm_name_hold_haptic: "none"
    ulm_name_double_tap_haptic: "none"

Possible values for each variables (according to the underlying button card) are :

  • none
  • success
  • warning
  • failure
  • light
  • medium
  • heavy
  • selection


Once you have edited custom_actions.yaml file, you must reload "UI LOVELACE MINIMALIST" configuration. Just go to "Configuration" --> "Settings" in Home Assistant and press the "UI_LOVELACE_MINIMALIST" button within the "YAML configuration reloading" section.

To define the path of navigate action, add one of the following depending on your action :

  • ulm_card_tap_navigate_path
  • ulm_card_hold_navigate_path
  • ulm_card_double_tap_navigate_path
  • ulm_icon_tap_navigate_path
  • ulm_icon_hold_navigate_path
  • ulm_icon_double_tap_navigate_path
  • ulm_name_tap_navigate_path
  • ulm_name_hold_navigate_path
  • ulm_name_double_tap_navigate_path
- type: "custom:button-card"
  template: "card_cover"
  entity: "cover.somfy_portail"
    ulm_name_hold_action: "navigate"
    ulm_name_hold_navigate_path: "/adaptive-dash/Livingroom"

Call service action

It is possible to call a service using the custom actions on the icon, name and card.

To define the service and its data of call-service action, add one of the following variables depending on your action :

  • ulm_card_tap_service / ulm_card_tap_service_data
  • ulm_card_hold_service / ulm_card_hold_service_data
  • ulm_card_double_tap_service / ulm_card_double_tap_service_data
  • ulm_icon_tap_service / ulm_icon_tap_service_data
  • ulm_icon_hold_service / ulm_icon_hold_service_data
  • ulm_icon_double_tap_service / ulm_icon_double_tap_service_data
  • ulm_name_tap_service / ulm_name_tap_service_data
  • ulm_name_hold_service / ulm_name_hold_service_data
  • ulm_name_double_tap_service / ulm_name_double_tap_service_data

The following configuration shows the configuration of a service call using the tap action.

- type: "custom:button-card"
  template: "card_cover"
  entity: "cover.somfy_portail"
    ulm_name_tap_action: "call-service"
    ulm_name_tap_service: "light.toggle"
      entity_id: light.light_livingroom_2

Overwrite custom actions

When creating a dashboard, custom actions and the haptic feedback can be overwritten on your card definition. For example, this code will overwrite the tap action on card with more-info action :

- type: "custom:button-card"
  template: "card_cover"
  entity: "cover.somfy_portail"
    ulm_card_tap_action: "more-info"
    ulm_card_tap_haptic: "success"

Custom Popups

The implementation of the custom action now supports the configuration of individual popups. The custom popup can be easily configured for each card.

To enable a custom popup the variable ulm_custom_popup must be set within the card. This variable have three subvariables template, entity and popup_variables. The template must be the name of the template that should be loaded. The necessary configuration variables for the popup can be configured in the variable popup_variables.

Usually the popup uses the same entity as the card that calls the popup. It is also possible to overwrite the entity for the popup. Therefore the entity can be set using the entity variable within the ulm_custom_popup. This entity variable is optional. It is also possible to disable the entity of the custom popup it the entity variable within the ulm_custom_popup is set tonone`.

- type: "custom:button-card"
  template: card_power_outlet
  entity: switch.power_outlet_livingroom
    ulm_card_power_outlet_consumption_sensor: sensor.power_outlet_livingroom_consumption
    ulm_card_power_outlet_name: Power Outlet Livingroom
      template: "popup_power_outlet_stats"
      entity: switch.power_outlet_livingroom
        ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor1: sensor.power_outlet_livingroom
        ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor2: sensor.power_outlet_livingroom_consumption
        ulm_popup_power_outlet_graph_sensor: sensor.power_outlet_livingroom
        ulm_popup_power_outlet_entity: switch.power_outlet_livingroom

The available popup templates popup_media_player_infos, popup_light_brightness, popup_thermostat_temperature or popup_power_outlet_stats can already be used with the custom popups.

This implementation allows the easy creation of custom popups that can be loaded by other cards.

Light, Media Player, Thermostat

The card_light, card_media_player and card_thermostat uses a different approach. Therefore the popup can be simply enabled by setting one of the variables ulm_card_light_enable_popup, ulm_card_thermostat_enable_popup or ulm_card_media_player_enable_popup to true.

For developers

To enable action customization on your custom cards, use either the icon_more_info_new, icon_more_info_alert or the extended_card template. There is no need to implement the ulm_card_actions template anymore.

There are three possibilities to include the custom actions into your custom cards:

Use template extend_card as combination of two cards

The simplest way to create a custom card that uses these custom actions is the combination of two cards.

For enabling the feature the custom card must implement the template extended_card. Then two custom fields must be used:

  • item1 must be a card that already implements the template icon_more_info_new. Most of the core cards already implements this template.
  • item2 can be any Lovelace card that should extend the card.

If you add custom styles to item2 then following code should be added into the style field

ha-card {
  box-shadow: none;
  border-radius: var(--border-radius);

The already available Graph card (card_graph) is an example for this implementation. As item1 a generic_card is used. The item2 provides a mini-graph-card.

Graph card as example
### Card Graph ###
    - "extended_card"
    ulm_card_graph_color: "var(--info-color)"
    ulm_card_graph_name: "[[[ return entity.attributes.friendly_name; ]]]"
    ulm_card_graph_icon: "[[[ return entity.attributes.icon ]]]"
    ulm_card_graph_color2: "var(--info-color)"
    ulm_card_graph_entity2: ""
    ulm_card_graph_hours: 24
    ulm_card_graph_type: "fill"
    ulm_card_graph_points: "0.5"
    ulm_card_graph_group_by: "interval"
    ulm_card_graph_line_width: 5
    ulm_card_graph_icon_color: ""
    - "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_graph_entity2 ]]]"
        type: "custom:button-card"
          - "card_generic"
          ulm_card_generic_icon: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_graph_icon; ]]]"
          ulm_card_generic_name: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_graph_name; ]]]"
              type: "custom:button-card"
                    type: "custom:button-card"
                        - color: >
                              var color = variables.ulm_card_graph_icon_color;
                              if (variables.ulm_card_graph_icon_color){
                                return 'rgba(var(--color-' + color + '),1)';
                              return 'rgba(var(--color-theme),0.2)';
                        - background-color: >
                              var color = variables.ulm_card_graph_icon_color;
                              if (variables.ulm_card_graph_icon_color){
                                return 'rgba(var(--color-' + color + '),0.2)';
                              return 'rgba(var(--color-theme),0.05)';
        type: "custom:mini-graph-card"
        entities: >
            var ent = [];
            if(variables.ulm_card_graph_entity2 != "")
            return ent;
        line_color: >
            var col = [];
            if(variables.ulm_card_graph_color2 != "")
            return col;
          name: false
          icon: false
          legend: false
          state: false
          graph: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_graph_type=='fill'?'line':variables.ulm_card_graph_type; ]]]"
          fill: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_graph_type=='fill'?true:false; ]]]"
        hours_to_show: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_graph_hours; ]]]"
        points_per_hour: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_graph_points; ]]]"
        group_by: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_graph_group_by; ]]]"
        line_width: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_graph_line_width; ]]]"
          style: |
            ha-card {
              box-shadow: none;
              border-radius: var(--border-radius);

Use template icon_more_info_new or icon_more_info_alert

The card must implement the template icon_more_info_newor icon_more_info_alert. Then it must implement a custom field item1 which is also a custom:button-card. This card must have the custom fields item1which represents the icon and item2which represents the name.

Most of the internal card templates uses this option. Take a look into the code.

Generic card as example
### Card Generic ###
    - "icon_more_info_new"
    - "ulm_translation_engine"
    ulm_card_generic_icon: "[[[ return entity.attributes.icon ]]]"
    ulm_card_generic_name: "[[[ return entity.attributes.friendly_name ]]]"
    ulm_outlet_power_enable_popup: false
    ulm_card_generic_color: "blue"
    ulm_card_generic_force_background_color: false
  triggers_update: "all"
    - operator: "template"
      value: "[[[ return variables.ulm_active_state ]]]"
          - background-color: >
                if (variables.ulm_card_generic_force_background_color) {
                  var color = variables.ulm_card_generic_color;
                  return 'rgba(var(--color-' + color + '),var(--opacity-bg))';
        type: "custom:button-card"
              type: "custom:button-card"
              entity: "[[[ return entity.entity_id ]]]"
              icon: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_generic_icon; ]]]"
              variables: >
                  let vars = variables;

                  if(variables.ulm_outlet_power_enable_popup) {
                    vars.ulm_custom_popup = {
                      'template': 'popup_power_outlet_stats',
                      'popup_variables': {
                        'ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor1': variables.ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor1,
                        'ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor2': variables.ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor2,
                        'ulm_popup_power_outlet_graph_sensor': variables.ulm_popup_power_outlet_graph_sensor
                  return vars;
                  - color: >
                        var color = variables.ulm_card_generic_color;
                        if (variables.ulm_active_state){
                          return 'rgba(var(--color-' + color + '),1)';
                        return 'rgba(var(--color-theme),0.2)';
                  - background-color: >
                        var color = variables.ulm_card_generic_color;
                        if (variables.ulm_active_state){
                          return 'rgba(var(--color-' + color + '),0.2)';
                        return 'rgba(var(--color-theme),0.05)';
              type: "custom:button-card"
              entity: "[[[ return entity.entity_id ]]]"
              name: "[[[ return variables.ulm_translation_state ]]]"
              label: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_generic_name ]]]"
              variables: >
                  let vars = variables;

                  if(variables.ulm_outlet_power_enable_popup) {
                    vars.ulm_custom_popup = {
                      'template': 'popup_power_outlet_stats',
                      'popup_variables': {
                        'ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor1': variables.ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor1,
                        'ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor2': variables.ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor2,
                        'ulm_popup_power_outlet_graph_sensor': variables.ulm_popup_power_outlet_graph_sensor
                  return vars;
                - operator: "template"
                  value: "[[[ return variables.ulm_active_state ]]]"
                      - color: >
                              if (variables.ulm_card_generic_force_background_color) {
                                  return 'rgb(250,250,250)';
                      - color: >
                              if (variables.ulm_card_generic_force_background_color) {
                                  return 'rgb(250,250,250)';

Use template ulm_actions_card_overlay

If you implement a custom card that is based on another Lovelace card like the weather card you can simply enable custom card actions by using the template ulm_actions_card_overlay on the card. This template adds an overlay over the whole card and reaction on the tap, hold, double tap actions. It also enables the integration of custom popups for the card. Actions of the underlying card will be disabled by this method.

The weather card gives you an example and will show the usage of this method.

Individual implementation

The following script shows the usage off all necessary variables and template that will be used by the custom actions.

The card must implement the templates ulm_custom_actions and ulm_action_card in the correct order. The example shows the custom fields item1 that implements the redirection of an icon field and item2 that implements the redirecton of a name field.

    - "ulm_custom_actions"
    - "ulm_actions_card"
        type: "custom:button-card"
        entity: "[[[ return entity.entity_id ]]]"
          - "ulm_actions_icon"
          ulm_input_select_option: "[[[ return variables.ulm_input_select_option; ]]]"
          ulm_input_select: "[[[ return variables.ulm_input_select; ]]]"
          ulm_icon_tap_action: "[[[ return variables.ulm_icon_tap_action; ]]]"
          ulm_icon_tap_haptic: "[[[ return variables.ulm_icon_tap_haptic; ]]]"
          ulm_icon_tap_navigate_path: "[[[ return variables.ulm_icon_tap_navigate_path; ]]]"
          ulm_icon_tap_service: "[[[ return variables.ulm_icon_tap_service; ]]]"
          ulm_icon_tap_service_data: "[[[ return variables.ulm_icon_tap_service_data]]]"
          ulm_icon_hold_action: "[[[ return variables.ulm_icon_hold_action; ]]]"
          ulm_icon_hold_haptic: "[[[ return variables.ulm_icon_hold_haptic; ]]]"
          ulm_icon_hold_navigate_path: "[[[ return variables.ulm_icon_hold_navigate_path; ]]]"
          ulm_icon_hold_service: "[[[ return variables.ulm_icon_hold_service; ]]]"
          ulm_icon_hold_service_data: "[[[ return variables.ulm_icon_hold_service_data]]]"
          ulm_icon_double_tap_action: "[[[ return variables.ulm_icon_double_tap_action; ]]]"
          ulm_icon_double_tap_haptic: "[[[ return variables.ulm_icon_double_tap_haptic; ]]]"
          ulm_icon_double_tap_navigate_path: "[[[ return variables.ulm_icon_double_tap_navigate_path; ]]]"
          ulm_icon_double_tap_service: "[[[ return variables.ulm_icon_double_tap_service; ]]]"
          ulm_icon_double_tap_service_data: "[[[ return variables.ulm_icon_double_tap_service_data]]]"
          ulm_custom_popup: "[[[ return variables.ulm_custom_popup; ]]]"
        type: "custom:button-card"
        entity: "[[[ return entity.entity_id ]]]"
          - "ulm_actions_name"
          ulm_input_select_option: "[[[ return variables.ulm_input_select_option; ]]]"
          ulm_input_select: "[[[ return variables.ulm_input_select; ]]]"
          ulm_name_tap_action: "[[[ return variables.ulm_name_tap_action; ]]]"
          ulm_name_tap_haptic: "[[[ return variables.ulm_name_tap_haptic; ]]]"
          ulm_name_tap_navigate_path: "[[[ return variables.ulm_name_tap_navigate_path; ]]]"
          ulm_name_tap_service: "[[[ return variables.ulm_name_tap_service; ]]]"
          ulm_name_tap_service_data: "[[[ return variables.ulm_name_tap_service_data]]]"
          ulm_name_hold_action: "[[[ return variables.ulm_name_hold_action; ]]]"
          ulm_name_hold_haptic: "[[[ return variables.ulm_name_hold_haptic; ]]]"
          ulm_name_hold_navigate_path: "[[[ return variables.ulm_name_hold_navigate_path; ]]]"
          ulm_name_hold_service: "[[[ return variables.ulm_name_hold_service; ]]]"
          ulm_name_hold_service_data: "[[[ return variables.ulm_name_hold_service_data]]]"
          ulm_name_double_tap_action: "[[[ return variables.ulm_name_double_tap_action; ]]]"
          ulm_name_double_tap_haptic: "[[[ return variables.ulm_name_double_tap_haptic; ]]]"
          ulm_name_double_tap_navigate_path: "[[[ return variables.ulm_name_double_tap_navigate_path; ]]]"
          ulm_name_double_tap_service: "[[[ return variables.ulm_name_double_tap_service; ]]]"
          ulm_name_double_tap_service_data: "[[[ return variables.ulm_name_double_tap_service_data]]]"
          ulm_custom_popup: "[[[ return variables.ulm_custom_popup; ]]]"

For developes who have already implemented the custom actions on their card

There could be some breaking changes:

  • The custom card should either implement the icon_more_info_new or the extended_card
  • The template ulm_actions_card can be removed
  • The variable redirections for the ulm_*_action can be removed

Also the custom popup feature has some breaking changes: The variables ulm_card_light_enable_popup, ulm_card_thermostat_enable_popup and ulm_card_media_player_enable_popup aren't used internally anymore. The are only working on their appropriate cards as configuration option for the end user of the card. So the custom_popup variable should be used instead.

For developers of custom popups

Custom popups must be a custom:button-card. It is also recommended to disable the icon, name and label within the card configuration using

show_icon: false
show_name: false
show_label: false
show_units: false

The usage of variables within the popup have some restrictions. Default variables of the popup don't work in the same way as for other custom button cards. The default variables -- defined in the variables section -- will always be overwritten by the custom actions caller.

The following code won't work on custom popup cards:

  ulm_weather_popup_surpress_first_forecast: false

Instead of using the variables section of the card the variables must be checked within a JavaScript template. The following code shows an example how to check and define a default value of custom popup variable:

element: >
    let surpress_first_forecast = ('ulm_weather_popup_surpress_first_forecast' in variables) ? variables.ulm_weather_popup_surpress_first_forecast : false;

    if (surpress_first_forecast) {

    return surpress_first_forecast;

The code checks if the variable is available before reading from the variable and if the variable isn't available it will set a default value.